2020年9月26日に配信されたセガ・アトラスの公式番組「セガアトラスTV」のDay2にて,「ぷよぷよテトリス2」(PS5 / PS4 / Xbox Series X / Xbox One / Switch)の生配信が行われた。本配信は,12月10日に発売される「ぷよぷよテトリス2」のプレイを世界で初めて公開するという趣旨の番組だ。新ルール「スキルバトル」の説明やぷよぷよのプロプレイヤーによるエキシビションマッチが行われた配信の模様をお伝えしよう。
(C)SEGA Tetris (R) & (C) 1985〜2020 Tetris Holding. Tetris logos, Tetris theme song and Tetriminos are trademarks of Tetris Holding. The Tetris trade dress is owned by Tetris Holding. Licensed to The Tetris Company. Tetris Game Design by Alexey Pajitnov. All Rights Reserved.
(C)SEGA Tetris (R) & (C) 1985〜2020 Tetris Holding. Tetris logos, Tetris theme song and Tetriminos are trademarks of Tetris Holding. The Tetris trade dress is owned by Tetris Holding. Licensed to The Tetris Company. Tetris Game Design by Alexey Pajitnov. All Rights Reserved.
(C)SEGA Tetris (R) & (C) 1985〜2020 Tetris Holding. Tetris logos, Tetris theme song and Tetriminos are trademarks of Tetris Holding. The Tetris trade dress is owned by Tetris Holding. Licensed to The Tetris Company. Tetris Game Design by Alexey Pajitnov. All Rights Reserved.
(C)SEGA Tetris (R) & (C) 1985〜2020 Tetris Holding. Tetris logos, Tetris theme song and Tetriminos are trademarks of Tetris Holding. The Tetris trade dress is owned by Tetris Holding. Licensed to The Tetris Company. Tetris Game Design by Alexey Pajitnov. All Rights Reserved.
(C)SEGA Tetris (R) & (C) 1985〜2020 Tetris Holding. Tetris logos, Tetris theme song and Tetriminos are trademarks of Tetris Holding. The Tetris trade dress is owned by Tetris Holding. Licensed to The Tetris Company. Tetris Game Design by Alexey Pajitnov. All Rights Reserved.