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本作は,特徴の異なるクラスとアビリティを持つ4人のキャラクターが協力して,「モンスター」役のプレイヤーと戦うという,4人対1人の非対称型アクションシューティングゲームだ。今年1月の発表以来,徐々に注目を集め,E3 2014では北米メディアが選ぶ「Best of Show」をはじめとする50以上の賞を獲得している。
また,先日発表されたばかりのGearbox Softwareの新作「Battleborn」(PC/PS4/Xbox One)については,2016年に発売予定であることが明らかになっている。こちらは気長に待つことにしよう。
- 関連タイトル:
Evolve Stage 2
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- PC:Evolve Stage 2
- Xbox One:EVOLVE
- アクション
- MO
- SF
- Take-Two Interactive Japan
- Turtle Rock Studios
- サバイバル
- ミリタリー
- 北米
- ライター:奥谷海人
- ニュース
- PC:バトルボーン
- PC
- PS4:バトルボーン
- PS4
- Xbox One:バトルボーン
- Xbox One
- 2K
- Gearbox Software

(C)2010‐2014 Take‐Two Interactive Software, Inc. 2K, the 2K logo, Evolve, the Evolve logo, and Take‐Two Interactive Software are trademarks of Take‐Two Interactive Software, Inc. Turtle Rock Studios and the Turtle Rock Studios logo are trademarks of Turtle Rock Studios, Inc.
(C)2010‐2014 Take‐Two Interactive Software, Inc. 2K, the 2K logo, Evolve, the Evolve logo, and Take‐Two Interactive Software are trademarks of Take‐Two Interactive Software, Inc. Turtle Rock Studios and the Turtle Rock Studios logo are trademarks of Turtle Rock Studios, Inc.
(C)2010‐2014 Take‐Two Interactive Software, Inc. 2K, the 2K logo, Evolve, the Evolve logo, and Take‐Two Interactive Software are trademarks of Take‐Two Interactive Software, Inc. Turtle Rock Studios and the Turtle Rock Studios logo are trademarks of Turtle Rock Studios, Inc.
(C) 2016 Necromonger, LLC. Gearbox, Battleborn, and the Gearbox Software logos are registered trademarks, and the Battleborn logos are trademarks, all used courtesy of Gearbox Software, LLC. All rights reserved. Published and distributed by 2K. 2K, the 2K logo, and Take-Two Interactive are trademarks or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries and are used here under license. All marks are property of their respective owners.
(C) 2015 Necromonger, LLC. Gearbox & the Gearbox Software logos are registered trademarks, and Battleborn is a trademark, all used courtesy of Gearbox Software, LLC. All rights reserved. Battleborn is published and distributed by 2K. 2K and the 2K logo are registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries and used here under license.
(C) 2015 Necromonger, LLC. Gearbox & the Gearbox Software logos are registered trademarks, and Battleborn is a trademark, all used courtesy of Gearbox Software, LLC. All rights reserved. Battleborn is published and distributed by 2K. 2K and the 2K logo are registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries and used here under license.

- EVOLVE 予約特典DLC 「モンスターエクスパンションパック」+Amazon.co.jp限定予約特典DLC「インスタントハンターパック」付 [オンラインコード]
- Digital Video Games
- 発売日:2015/03/05
- 価格: