テロリストから娘を救出するFPS,「Boiling Point」の続編が発表
ゲームの詳細は不明だが,開発元のDeep Shadowsは,この新作のためにマップデザイナーとシナリオライターをキューバに派遣したという。
- 関連タイトル:
Boiling Point: Road to Hell
- この記事のURL:
Boiling Point: Road to Hell (c) 2005 Atari Europe SASU. All Rights Reserved. Designed and developed by Deep Shadows. Boiling Point: Road to Hell is a Trademark owned by Atari Europe SASU. Published and Distributed by Atari Europe SASU. Atari and the Atari logo are registered trademarks of Atari Interactive Inc. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.